Thursday, September 04, 2014

It's That Time Again

'Tis the season when footballs and banners of avid team followers fill the air.

Some who pass our home wonder why my Packers flag flies only intermittently. That's because ancient family tradition dictates the flag is unfurled only after a victory. The first game of the season is tonight. At dawn's early light tomorrow my flag may, or may not, be there.

At the moment, a very few leaves in our Lake Doster area have begun to turn color. Mom Nature is more consistent than the Packers--all the  leaves will change and fall to the ground in a few weeks. You can depend on it.


PiedType said...

Interesting. Around here, such flags are flown on the day of a game. Boost the team, etc. Although not being a big pro football fan, I don't really know what the protocol is. Good luck with your game, though. I've always liked the Pack (less so without Brett).

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that the flag went up and down based on the outcome of various games.

Alan G said...


Dick Klade said...

Ouch, for sure. Seattle has an outstanding team. No flag flying today.

Kay said...

Good luck to your Packers, Dick!